Featured Image For All Year Holdings Limited Bond Restructuring: Sale of William Vale Hotel

Chapman served as US counsel to Mishmeret Trust Company Limited, as trustee for the approximately $180 million of Series C Bonds issued by All Year Holdings Limited and Asaf Ravid, as Plan Administrator for All Year Holding’s Wind Down Co, in the successful sale of the iconic William Vale Hotel in Williamsburg, New York for $177 million. The sale consummated the Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization for Wythe Berry Fee Owner LLC, the fee owner and ground lessor of the luxury hotel property and represents the culmination of a nearly two year chapter 11 proceeding in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York. 

The sale of the William Vale Hotel concludes the nearly four year restructuring of more than $750 million of bonds issued by All Year Holdings Limited. Chapman previously served as US counsel to Mishmeret in the sale of the Denzien, a 911-unit apartment complex in Brooklyn, which sold for $506 million in 2021.

Partner Michael Friedman, head of Chapman’s Israel Practice and leader of the Special Situations and Restructuring Group, led the Chapman team supported by partner and Litigation Group leader Dave Audley, partner Eric Silvestri, and associate Helena Honig.

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