Chapman and Cutler LLP serves as bond counsel in more Illinois school districts transactions than any other firm. We represent districts in connection with the issuance of all forms of debt, including school building, life safety, working cash, funding and refunding bonds, tax anticipation warrants and revenue anticipation notes.
Our public finance attorneys frequently draft the legislation necessary for school districts to engage in innovative financing techniques. For example, the firm played a critical role in drafting the legislation that now enables school districts to issue debt certificates, alternate bonds and limited bonds.
Many Illinois school districts face a severe financial crisis. A number of school districts have experienced such a significant degree of fiscal distress that the Illinois State Board of Education created a financial oversight panel to monitor and control their finances. Each of them presented complicated and difficult credit profiles that required unique and innovative legal and financial solutions. As their bond counsel, the firm helped resolve their fiscal dilemmas and is a trusted counsel to these and other Illinois school districts.
(For a copy of any of following publications, please call or e-mail any of the attorneys in the Public Finance Group)
- Borrowing Alternatives for Illinois School Districts
- Borrowing Alternatives for Illinois Public Community College Districts
- Local Government Debt Reform Act and Bond Issue Notification Act
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- Of Counsel
- Senior Counsel
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