Curtis Doty is a partner and member of Chapman’s Corporate and Securities and Banking and Financial Services Departments. A recognized authority in the commercial law, regulatory, and insolvency aspects of derivatives, his practice focuses on advising financial institutions regarding new product development and approvals, transaction structuring, regulatory issues under the Dodd-Frank Act, and netting and regulatory capital analysis. Curtis has been deeply involved in industry initiatives related to the CFTC’s implementation of the Dodd-Frank Title VII reforms, including in relation to foreign exchange prime brokerage, swap dealer standardized product disclosure, and numerous comment letters and requests for industry no-action relief.
On the transactional side, his practice encompasses credit risk transfer, bespoke derivatives-based hedging and funding transactions for bank treasury groups, collateral arrangements for derivatives, give-up agreements in foreign exchange prime brokerage, deal-contingent hedges, and derivatives with international organizations.
In the insolvency area, Curtis advises financial institutions on the insolvency treatment of specialized structures and counterparty types, providing opinions used by these institutions in determining whether netting and collateral benefits may be recognized for regulatory capital purposes.
Prior to joining Chapman, Curtis practiced law with an Am Law 50 firm.