- White Paper
As companies default under their credit agreements, lenders have to decide what course of action is appropriate to effectuate their goals. Should the lender give the borrower breathing room by entering into a forbearance agreement in exchange for certain milestones, or is more aggressive enforcement action required?
- Article
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency recently issued its final rule codifying as a regulation that the interest charged on loans that is permissible before the loan is transferred remains in effect after the loan is transferred.
- Client Alert
The parties to the closely watched litigation by the Attorney General of Colorado as Administrator of the Colorado Uniform Consumer Credit Code against two marketplace lending platforms have agreed to settle the litigation.
- Client Alert
This is the third and final Client Alert of a three-part series relating to executing a Strict Foreclosure. As discussed in our previous Client Alerts, it is imperative to focus on who is going to run the business after consummating the Strict Foreclosure.
- Article
The CARES Act, which was designed to support individuals and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, was signed into law on March 27. This article summarizes various tax provisions in the CARES Act.
- Article
The CARES Act, which was enacted to support individuals and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, provides that borrowers experiencing financial hardship due to the national emergency declared by the President, may request and obtain forbearance on certain federally backed mortgage loans.
- Client Alert
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation have been quite active in issuing or proposing new regulations and initiatives focused on financial technology and innovation in financial services.
- Client Alert
This is the second Client Alert of a three-part series relating to executing a Strict Foreclosure.
- Chapman Insights
In 2017, the UK authority that oversees the London interbank offered rate, announced that LIBOR may be phased out after the end of 2021. The announcement applied to all currency and term variants of LIBOR, including US dollar denominated LIBOR.
- Client Alert
This Client Alert is part of a three Alert series. This Alert focuses on when Strict Foreclosure can be a lender’s best option and the potential path to execute a Strict Foreclosure.
- Client Alert
The Federal Reserve has established the Main Street Loan Program to provide support to small and medium-sized businesses that were in sound financial condition before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Client Alert
The Department of Labor proposed a new investment advice fiduciary rule, which generally reinstates the DOL’s longstanding investment advice fiduciary test and provides a new prohibited transaction exemption for such fiduciaries.
- Client Alert
On June 16, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued an order granting registered municipal advisors an emergency, temporary conditional exemption from broker registration under Section 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 in connection with certain direct placement activities.
- Client Alert
The General Assembly passed Senate Bill 2135 on May 23 and the Governor signed the same on June 12. The Act provides greater flexibility for public bodies to conduct business remotely when in-person attendance is not feasible due to a disaster.
- Client Alert
On June 11, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York issued an updated Notice of Interest for the Municipal Liquidity Facility to reflect the expansion of eligibility for the facility.
- Client Alert
On June 5, the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 was signed into law and made key changes to the Paycheck Protection Program just a few weeks before the program’s official termination on June 30.
- Client Alert
On June 3, the Federal Reserve announced expanded eligibility for its Municipal Liquidity Facility. Under the new terms, a State that does not have at least two total counties or cities that meet the minimum population requirements will be able to identify a city or county to be an Eligible Issuer.
- Client Alert
On May 29, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issued its final rule codifying as a regulation that the interest charged on loans that is permissible before the loan is transferred remains in effect after the loan is transferred.
- Client Alert
This client alert will address questions about loan forgiveness under the Paycheck Protection Program for both borrowers and lenders as known at the current time, but we note that legislative efforts currently underway may change the terms of these loan forgiveness provisions.
- Client Alert
On May 23, the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 2135, providing for amendments to Sections 2.01 and 7 of the Open Meetings Act of the State of Illinois. The changes provide greater flexibility for public bodies to conduct business remotely when in-person attendance is not feasible due to a disaster.
- Client Alert
On May 4, the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2020‑19, which provides temporary relief to publicly‑offered regulated investment companies and publicly‑offered real estate investment trusts, with respect to stock distributions that are intended to qualify for the dividends-paid deduction.
- Client Alert
On May 5, in a case of first impression in Delaware, a Delaware bankruptcy judge, rejected a preferred shareholder’s motion to dismiss Pace Industries’ chapter 11 cases for failure to obtain its consent to file, a right provided in the debtor’s certificate of incorporation, finding that a minority shareholder’s blocking rights were unenforceable as violative of federal policy.
- Client Alert
The Federal Reserve today issued an amended term sheet establishing pricing criteria for its Municipal Liquidity Facility last described in our April 29 Client Alert. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York also issued today a revised FAQs for the facility.
- Client Alert
On May 4, the SEC Chairman and the Director of the Office of Municipal Securities issued a public statement encouraging issuers, conduit borrowers and other obligated persons of municipal securities to make disclosures describing the effects of the COVID‑19 pandemic on their finances and operations.
- Client AlertMay 7, 2020 (Updating an April 14, 2020 Client Alert)
This alert explores the three loan facilities constituting the Main Street Lending Program: the newly announced Main Street Priority Loan Facility, the revised Main Street New Loan Facility, and the revised Main Street Expanded Loan Facility.
- Client Alert
Treasury Department guidance issued on April 22 summarizes three requirements for the use of payments from the Coronavirus Relief Fund. On May 4, FAQs were issued that “supplements” the guidance by answering a long series of questions about Eligible Expenditures and a shorter list of questions about the Administration of Fund Payments.
- Client Alert
On May 5, federal banking regulators adopted an interim final rule that neutralizes the liquidity coverage ratio impact for banks participating in the Federal Reserve’s Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility and the Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility.
- Client Alert
On April 27, the Federal Reserve issued a press release announcing changes to the Municipal Lending Facility described in previous client alerts. At the same time, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as sole Reserve Bank lender for the facility, issued a FAQs for the facility.
- Client Alert
The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act was signed into law today. This alert summarizes key portions of the Act and recently released information from the Department of Health and Human Services explaining its plans to allocate and distribute the Provider Relief Fund money.
- Client AlertApril 22, 2020 (Updating an April 13, 2020 Client Alert)
On April 9, the Federal Reserve issued term sheets for six “new” funding facilities under the CARES Act. This client alert describes in detail the Municipal Liquidity Facility.
- White Paper
Chapman’s "Bankruptcy and Aircraft Finance" handbook details certain special rights afforded aircraft creditors and some of the strategies employed. With the airline industry suffering devastating losses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we hope this will be a useful resource for creditors.
- Client Alert
On April 13, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2020-26, which provides that forbearances and related modifications of certain mortgage loans will not be treated as replacing the unmodified loan with a newly issued loan for purposes of the REMIC and grantor trust qualification tests (and related REMIC-related taxes).
- Client Alert
On April 9 the Federal Reserve issued term sheets for six “new” funding facilities under the CARES Act. Three of those facilities provide for direct loans to companies.
- Client Alert
On April 8, the SEC adopted rule amendments that will allow closed-end funds and business development companies the ability to use registration, offering and communications rules that are currently available to publicly‑registered operating companies.
- Client Alert
With the Regulation Best Interest compliance date set for June 30, 2020, the SEC's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations recently announced that it would begin conducting broker‑dealer examinations focused on Reg BI compliance and outlined the scope of exams likely to occur in the first year following the compliance date.
- Client Alert
With the Form CRS compliance date set for June 30, 2020, the SEC's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations recently announced that it would begin conducting examinations focused on Form CRS compliance and outlined the focus of exams likely to occur in the first year following the compliance date.
- Client Alert
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act to support individuals and businesses affected by COVID-19 pandemic was signed into law on March 27. This client alert summarizes the various tax provisions in the CARES Act.
- Client Alert
On April 9, 2020, the Federal Reserve released a revised term sheet for TALF 2020 that, among other things, broadens the range of assets that qualify as eligible collateral under the program.
- Client Alert
Earlier today the Federal Reserve announced it would establish six new funding facilities supported by Treasury funding authorized by Section 4003(b)(4) of the CARES Act.
- Client Alert
In these uncertain times, parties to bond documents (including documents such as continuing covenant agreements) may wish to waive, modify or renegotiate certain provisions, including the forbearance and deferral of debt service, the waiver of provisions or the exercise of certain options.
- Client Alert
- Client Alert
The SEC has taken several actions to assist funds and advisers in light of the effects of COVID-19. Similarly, FINRA also has taken several actions to provide guidance and certain regulatory relief to its member firms.
- Client Alert
The Federal Reserve has established a webpage that provides links to a FAQ and other documents for the Money Market Fund Liquidity Facility described in earlier Chapman client alerts.
- Client Alert
Yesterday the Federal Reserve announced it was temporarily removing Treasury securities and deposits at Federal Reserve Banks from the supplementary leverage ratio applicable to Category I-III bank holding companies or US intermediate holding companies of foreign banks.
- Client Alert
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, federal and state courts throughout the country are issuing general orders providing for important changes to procedures for pending and newly scheduled court hearings. This is a summary of such procedural changes for the federal courts located in Chicago and the state courts in Cook and the surrounding collar counties.
- Client AlertApril 1, 2020 (Updating a March 31, 2020 Client Alert)
This client alert has been updated from our March 31, 2020 client alert to reflect guidance from the U.S. Treasury Department and the Small Business Administration.
- Client Alert
The $2 trillion stimulus bill is the largest stimulus bill in U.S. history and Congress’ third major piece of legislation to address the COVID-19 crisis. This client alert summarizes notable CARES Act provisions for Institutions of Higher Education.
- Client Alert
The cornerstone of the CARES Act’s relief package for small businesses is the Paycheck Protection Program, under which the Small Business Administration will guarantee up to $349 billion in small business loans.
- Client Alert
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, a bill designed to provide financial support and resources to individuals and businesses affected by COVID-19 pandemic, was signed into law on March 27. This client alert summarizes notable CARES Act provisions for health care businesses, including hospitals and physician practices.