- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations recently published a Risk Alert that highlights frequently-identified investment adviser fee and expense compliance issues from exams of over 1,500 investment adviser examinations during the past two years.
- White PaperMarch 2018
Chapman’s "Defaulted Securities: The Guide for Trustees and Bondholders" advances understanding and consideration of issues related to trustees and bondholders in both corporate and municipal financings.
- ArticleMarch 2018
This article describes the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on securitization transactions. The article addresses in detail the new limitation on the deduction for business interest expense as well as the requirement that the transferee of an equity interest in a partnership engaged in a US trade or business withhold 10% of the amount realized unless the transferor certifies that it is a US person.
- ArticleApril/May 2018
The question of what happens when a debtor files a Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition as a means of redeeming sold real estate taxes is being addressed throughout the country with more regularity. Recently, bankruptcy courts in Illinois and Georgia have provided some insight into how this question should be answered.
- Client Alert
In light of the increasing significance of cybersecurity incidents, the SEC published a press release and additional Commission-level guidance regarding disclosure obligations relating to cybersecurity risks and incidents, which reinforces and expands upon the SEC staff guidance provided in 2011 and addresses two additional topics.
- Client Alert
Although recent legislation commonly referred to as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act retained Section 956 of the Internal Revenue Code (and its notorious deemed dividend issue), the enactment of other changes may reduce the impact of Section 956 on taxpayers.
- Client Alert
The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit recently issued a decision in a case that involved a question of whether the risk retention requirements imposed by Section 941 of the Dodd-Frank Act required open market CLO managers to retain risk in those transactions they managed.
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations recently released its 2018 National Exam Program Examination Priorities. Highlights from the 2018 exam priorities are reviewed in this Client Alert.
- Client Alert
Czyzewski v. Jevic Holding Corporation made some court-watchers nervous that the decision would be applied broadly to disturb other bankruptcy-related distributions.
- Client Alert
In a decision likely to have a far-reaching effect in the municipal debt markets, the Court overseeing Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy-like Title III proceeding ruled that holders of municipal obligations secured by a pledge of special revenues are not guaranteed payment during the pendency of a bankruptcy proceeding.
- Article
In bankruptcy cases where a not-for-profit corporation is closely related to or controlled by a governmental unit, a creditor may challenge the not-for-profit corporation’s bankruptcy eligibility, arguing that the not-for-profit corporation is, in substance, a “governmental unit” and therefore not eligible to file a Chapter 11 petition.
- Article
In July, Andrew Bailey, the CEO of the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority, announced that the FCA and the panel banks whose submissions are used to determine the London Interbank Offered Rate will only sustain LIBOR until the end of 2021.
- Article
This article addresses the benefits to a senior secured lender of Representations and Warranties Insurance, and certain considerations financial institutions should make in documenting a middle market loan transaction when an acquisition financing utilizes RWI.
- Client Alert
The beginning of each year provides an opportunity for investment advisers to review compliance and regulatory matters, including issues related to private investment funds and commodity pools, which are briefly summarized in this alert.
- Article
On January 11, the Third Circuit issued a decision in a case that limited the reach of the Rooker-Feldman doctrine as a defense to bankruptcy avoidance actions. The court’s reasoning, however, has implications that go well beyond the particular facts of the case.
- Client Alert
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. recently issued its 2018 Regulatory and Examination Priorities Letter. A number of FINRA’s comments direct firms to review the 2017 Examination Findings Report for additional insights into specific areas of concern and effective practices.
- Client Alert
As state and local governments seek more creative financing methods for economic development projects, some have turned to the formation of subsidiary entities that can provide financing assistance, potentially without triggering debt limits under state or local laws or violating covenants under existing financings.
- Client Alert
On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed into law the most sweeping tax law changes in the last thirty years. Highlights of the new tax reform legislation as they impact individuals are summarized in this Client Alert.
- Client Alert
Overlooked in the many discussions about the new tax laws are the consequences on trusts and estates and the high likelihood trusts and their beneficiaries will see larger income tax bills for the next seven years. This Client Alert focuses on how the tax changes will impact trusts and estates, identify some of the significant uncertainties and provide recommendations for fiduciaries.
- Client Alert
On December 20, Congress passed the act commonly referred to as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Although no provision of the Act was designed specifically to address securitization transactions, two new sets of rules are likely to have significant effects on at least some securitization transactions
- Client Alert
On December 15, House and Senate conferees reached an agreement on the Tax Cut and Jobs Act and released the final version of the Bill, which is expected to be voted on this week in the House and Senate.
- ArticleFall 2017
On August 11, the IRS issued Rev. Proc. 2017-45 which allows publicly offered real estate investment trusts and regulated investment companies to make stock distributions that will qualify for the dividends-paid deduction, if certain requirements are met, and therefore enable a RIC or REIT to meet its minimum annual dividend distribution tests.
- Client Alert
An Illinois Bankruptcy Court held that a wedding or engagement ring worn by a man or woman, still married to the same person as when the ring was tendered before or during a wedding ceremony, qualifies as “necessary wearing apparel” under the Bankruptcy Code.
- Client Alert
Both the House and Senate versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act include a new provision that would impose an excise tax on the compensation paid by certain tax-exempt organizations if the compensation to a covered employee is more than $1 million.
- Client Alert
Both the House and Senate versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act include a new provision that would impose an excise tax on the compensation paid by certain exempt organizations, including certain state and local governmental entities, if the compensation to a covered employee is more than $1 million.
- ArticleWhy the Assignability of Intellectual Property Licenses in Bankruptcy Might Not be Settled After AllNovember 2017
In an effort to provide insight into questions about the ability to assume, or assume and assign, intellectual property licenses through the bankruptcy process, Chapman attorney Peter Bach-y-Rita co-authored a recent article in the American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review.
- Client Alert
A debtor-in-possession is entitled to use cash collateral over the objections of PACA claimants so long as the debtor demonstrates that the interests of the PACA claimants are adequately protected, according to a recent ruling by Judge Dales of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Michigan.
- Client Alert
On November 2, Representative Brady released the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.” On November 9, the Senate Finance Committee released a “Description of the Chairman’s Mark of the ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.’” This summary highlights four provisions in the proposed legislation that will be of particular interest to financial institutions.
- Client Alert
Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 4(a)(5) incorporates 28 U.S.C. § 2107(c), which provides for extensions of the notice of appeal deadline. However, Rule 4(a)(5)(C) limits the length of such extensions. The question then is if an appellant files a notice of appeal beyond the 30-day period set forth in Rule 4(a)(5)(C), does a circuit court lack jurisdiction to hear the appeal?
- Client Alert
In addition to changes in life, changes in the estate tax rules over the last decade have altered the planning options available for many married couples. If the federal estate tax laws are actually repealed by the current Congress, these options will be relevant for all married couples.
- Client Alert
Legislation recently passed by the Illinois House could impact every taxing district in the State if it ultimately becomes law. Senate Bill 851, which amends the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, implements a tax freeze for certain taxing districts, and authorizes the implementation of a tax freeze for other taxing districts pursuant to referendum.
- Client Alert
On November 2, Representative Brady released the proposed text of the long-awaited federal income tax reform bill. The bill also includes a provision that appears aimed at subjecting public pension plans to unrelated business taxable income.
- Client Alert
On November 2, Representative Kevin Brady released the proposed text of the long-awaited federal income tax reform bill. The bill also includes a provision that creates a limit on the deductibility of interest. If enacted, this provision could have potentially wide-reaching impacts on securitization transactions.
- Client Alert
On November 2, Representative Brady released the proposed text of the long-awaited federal income tax reform bill. If enacted into law, the bill would eliminate all tax-exempt private activity bonds, tax credit bonds and all tax-exempt advance refunding bonds.
- Client Alert
The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission issued three no-action letters designed to assist broker‑dealers and investment advisers in addressing issues related to European Union directives and related legislation that will become effective on January 3, 2018.
- Client Alert
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed both the district court and the bankruptcy court’s decisions in MPM Silicones, LLC, which had held that the “prime plus” formula was the appropriate method for determining the interest rate required in connection with new notes issued to secured creditors under a Chapter 11 cramdown plan of reorganization.
- Client Alert
The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has affirmed the district court and the bankruptcy court’s determinations in MPM Silicones, LLC that Momentive’s senior noteholders are not entitled to recover any make-whole premium on account of the replacement of their notes.
- Client Alert
The United States Treasury Department has withdrawn proposed regulations dealing with the definition of “political subdivisions” for purposes of the tax-exempt bond provisions of the federal tax law. Political subdivisions are divisions of state or local governmental units that can issue federally tax-exempt bonds.
- ArticleOctober 2017
In an environment of growing global mobility of many families and heightened regulatory and compliance pressures, many U.S. estate planning advisors are encountering international issues for their clients with increasing frequency.
- ArticleOctober 19, 2017 (Originally Published October 4, 2017)
On September 21, a Bankruptcy Court ruled that holders of notes issued pursuant to a Note Purchase Agreement entered into by a debtor’s operating subsidiary were entitled to what the court termed an ‘enormous’ make-whole payment, post-petition interest, and recovery of related fees and expenses.
- Client Alert
On October 3, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware granted a motion to reconsider a decision it made over a year ago in the bankruptcy of Energy Future Holdings Corp. and its co-debtors and in doing so disallowed a $275 million breakup fee to a prospective asset purchaser that it had previously approved.
- Article
On October 3, 2017, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware granted a motion to reconsider a decision it made over a year ago in the bankruptcy of Energy Future Holdings Corp. and its co-debtors and in doing so disallowed a $275 million breakup fee to a prospective asset purchaser that it had previously approved.
- Chapman Insights
A health care management services organization provides non‑clinical, administrative support services to physician group practices and other health care providers. One of the primary purposes of a MSO is to relieve licensed health care providers of non-medical business functions so they can focus on the clinical aspects of their medical practices.
- Client Alert
In September, the IRS released proposed regulations that would not only change the types of instruments that are registration-required obligations, but also clarify when a registration-required obligation meets the requirements to be treated as issued in registered form.
- Client AlertOctober 5, 2017 (Originally Published September 14, 2017)
Following a recent decision by the Court overseeing the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy-like Title III proceeding, bondholders should continue to pay close attention to the pledge securing their bonds to determine how those bonds would be treated in a bankruptcy proceeding.
- Client Alert
The recently released “Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code” includes a proposed limitation on the deductibility of interest expense by corporations. Although this framework does not provide details as to the nature or scope of the proposed limitations, any such limitations will potentially affect the balance in preferences between debt and equity funding.
- ArticleQ3 2017 (Originally Published May 4, 2017)
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. released additional guidance on social media and digital communications in Regulatory Notice 17-18. The guidance from FINRA is summarized in this article.
- ArticleOctober 2017 (Originally Published July 25, 2017)
While many of lender's rights are self-explanatory, a question has arisen as to what it means to amend “pro rata” sharing requirements. Recently, an amendment to NYDJ Apparel, LLC’s credit agreement highlighted what a loan investor needs to look out for when reviewing protections related to pro rata sharing.
- ArticleOctober 2017 (Originally Published July 27, 2017)
On July 6, 2017, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issued two consultative documents entitled “Criteria for Identifying Simple, Transparent and Comparable Short-Term Securitisations” and “Capital Treatment for Simple, Transparent and Comparable Short-Term Securitisations.”