- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- CMS Releases National Health Expenditure Data for 2015
- UMass Settles Potential HIPAA Violations Following Malware Infection
- Highlights of the OIG Semi-Annual Report to Congress
- Client Alert
The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board recently issued an interpretive notice announcing its interpretation that if a dealer engages in a transaction with a customer in a municipal security that bears market discount, the dealer must disclose the existence of market discount to its customer as part of the “time of trade disclosure” required under MSRB Rule G-47.
- Compliance, Regulatory and Payments Client Alerts
In this edition:
- Deposit Insurance Determination Rule
- FFIEC Revises Its Consumer Compliance Rating System
- Servicemembers
- Client Alert
On November 22, Judge Mazzant III issued a preliminary injunction halting the Department of Labor's impending overtime rule from going into effect nationwide. The rule would raise the salary basis threshold for “white collar” overtime exemptions from $455 per week ($23,660 annually) to $921 per week ($47,892 annually).
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently approved Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. and Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board rule amendments requiring broker-dealers to disclose trade compensation for certain fixed income securities principal transactions with retail customers.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- House Republicans Urge Federal Agencies to Cease Rulemaking until President-Elect Trump Takes Office
- OIG Releases Its Fiscal Year 2017 Work Plan
- Article
In a break from recent decisions, on November 17, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the District Court’s decision in the Energy Future case, finding that make-whole premiums were in fact payable upon a “redemption” even if such redemption occurred after a bankruptcy filing and the automatic acceleration of the underlying debt where the applicable indentures did not otherwise provide.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Full Repeal of Affordable Care Act Unlikely
- CMS Hosting a MACRA Quality Payment Program Informational Call Tomorrow
- Jury Convicts Home Health Agency Owner in $13 Million Medicare Fraud Conspiracy
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Medical Device Manufacturer Pleads Guilty to Misbranding and Agrees to Pay $36 Million to Resolve Criminal Liability and False Claims Act Allegations
- Federal District Court Blocks CMS Rule Banning Pre-Dispute Binding Arbitration Clauses
- CMS Releases CY 2017 Final Rule Implementing Changes to Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System
- Fewer Hospitals to Receive Value-Based Purchasing Program Bonuses in 2017
- Client Alert
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. recently filed proposed rule changes with the Securities and Exchange Commission to amend FINRA Rule 4512 and adopt FINRA Rule 2165.
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently approved proposed rule changes by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. that would revise certain filing requirements of FINRA Rules 2210, 2213 and 2214.
- ArticleNovember/December 2016 (Originally Published August 31, 2016)
A recent bankruptcy court decision in the Aéropostale bankruptcy case pending in the bankruptcy court for the Southern District of New York may provide some comfort to secured creditors seeking to credit bid in a sale process commenced by a debtor pursuant to Section 363 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- First Circuit Rules That HHS Had Right to Recoup Disproportionate Share Overpayments Payments from Maine Hospitals
- Vermont’s All Payer ACO Approved by CMS to Begin in January 2017
- Client Alert
The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board recently issued a notice seeking guidance on its strategic priorities for 2017. The MSRB’s notice seeks comment on potential areas where the MSRB should focus its strategic goals and how it should prioritize its core activities.
- Client Alert
On October 27, the Department of Labor issued its first wave of FAQs to address certain questions that have arisen with respect to the DOL’s previously issued fiduciary rule. Generally, the Rule broadly defines who is a fiduciary under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and the Internal Revenue Code.
- Chapman Insights
The second edition of Chapman's book is a valuable resource for municipal debt marketplace participants, including state and local government officials, municipal credit analysts, credit enhancers, investors, legislators, and administrators.
- Client Alert
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority announced that it is conducting a sweep examination on broker-dealer firms to look into incentives and business practices that may encourage employees to engage in inappropriate cross-selling activities.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Obamacare Enrollment Predicted to Increase by 9% in 2017 Open Enrollment
- Skilled Nursing Facility Provider to Pay $145 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Allegations
- Dignity Health and Catholic Health Initiatives in Alignment Talks
- Article
Earlier this month, the Sixth Circuit provided to creditors of municipalities emerging from bankruptcy proceedings additional assurance that they can rely on the bankruptcy plan approved by a court.
- Client Alert
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit heard oral argument yesterday in a consolidated case arguing that the Federal Communication Commission has overstepped its bounds in its most recent interpretation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.
- Client Alert
On October 11, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued an important decision involving the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Not only did the Court find that the agency’s structure was unconstitutional, it also ruled that the CFPB violated due process, and is subject to the statutes of limitations embodied in the laws it seeks to enforce.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- Transition to Value-Based Reimbursement Continues as CMS Releases MACRA Final Rule
- HHS Publishes Guidance on HIPAA and Cloud Computing
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission voted last Thursday to adopt changes to enhance liquidity risk management by open-end funds, including mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.
- Client Alert
Last week, the IRS contemporaneously released two pieces of guidance related to the question of whether qualifying regulated investment company income could include indirect commodities income through controlled foreign corporations or derivative exposure to commodities.
- Client Alert
Last week, the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals provided to creditors of municipalities emerging from bankruptcy proceedings additional assurance that they can rely on the bankruptcy plan approved by the court.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- Vermont Granted Tentative Approval for All Payer Reimbursement System
- CMS Issues Final Rule for Long-Term Care Facilities
- MedPAC Unsatisfied with Savings Generated by Medicare Shared Saving Program ACOs
- Client Alert
The Illinois Constitution is clear that the right to a trial by jury “shall remain inviolate” — but does a state law limiting the number of individuals required to serve on a jury interfere with this fundamental right?
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- GAO Report Highlights Electronic Health Record Vulnerability to Cyber Threats and Recommends HHS Update and Strengthen its HIPAA Guidance and Oversight
- CMS Seeking Comments by October 11, 2016 Regarding Updates to the Voluntary Self-Referral Disclosure Protocol
- ArticleSeptember 2016
Corporate boards increasingly are considering whether it is in the best interests of the board, the company and its shareholders to establish a separate risk committee. Investors, proxy advisory firms and other corporate governance advocates also have developed expectations with respect to board risk oversight responsibilities.
- ArticleQ3 2016 (Originally Published April 14, 2016)
On April 4, the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority issued a joint regulatory notice reminding firms they regulate of their obligation to determine whether state and local government obligations acquired through direct purchase or “bank loan” transactions constitute municipal securities for federal securities law purposes.
- ArticleQ3 2016 (Originally Published March 2, 2016)
The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board recently published its 2016 Compliance Advisory for Brokers, Dealers and Municipal Securities Dealers. The Compliance Advisory outlines several MSRB rules that the MSRB believes present key compliance risks for brokers, dealers and municipal securities dealers.
- Client Alert
After several years of securities industry efforts, the Securities and Exchange Commission has formally proposed a rule change that would shorten the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer securities transactions from three business days after the trade date to two business days after the trade date.
- Corporate Governance Quarterly Update
Today, many shareholders may feel that the traditional investor communication and relations model is not adequate. Often, written communications are viewed as impersonal and outdated and shareholder meetings typically occur only annually and are rarely seen as leading to meaningful dialogue.
- Client Alert
Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Rule G-15(f) prohibits a broker, dealer or municipal securities dealer from effecting a customer transaction in municipal securities in an amount lower than the minimum denomination of the issue stated in offering documents, subject to two current exceptions.
- Article
Despite the Supreme Court cautioning that the “reasonably equivalent value” principle would in most cases remain similar to a market-value definition, and refusing to force its holding on other forced-sale proceedings, on Sept. 8, 2016, the Ninth Circuit became the third federal appeals court to extend BFP’s holding to real estate tax sales.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Potential Penalties for False Claims Act Violations Continue to Rise
- Medicaid Fraud Control Unit FY 2015 Annual Report Highlights Criminal and Civil Fraud Recoveries; Civil Settlements, Judgments and Recovery Amounts Have Decreased
- OIG Data Brief Indicating Escalating Medicare Billings for Home Respiratory Ventilators May Result in Targeted Program Integrity Efforts
- Comment Period for New Bundled Payment Models Closing October 3rd
- ArticleSeptember 2016
The services agreements under which midstream oil and gas companies operate are routinely structured as long-term contracts requiring a large initial expenditure. In these cases, the midstream service providers’ investment is only recouped over the life of the agreement, and early termination or rejection of such agreements can be devastating.
- Client Alert
On September 20, 2016, 21 states filed a suit to block the Department of Labor’s rule for “white collar” overtime exemptions from going into effect. The four‑count complaint pending in the Eastern District of Texas seeks a declaratory judgment that would prohibit the rule from going into effect, or at least prohibit the rule from applying to the states.
- Article
The Municipal Continuing Disclosure Cooperation initiative, as named by the Securities and Exchange Commission in March, 2014, has attracted much attention in the municipal industry and with good reason.
- Client Alert
On September 8, 2016, the Ninth Circuit held in In re Tracht Gut, LLC v. L.A. Cnty. Treasurer & Tax Collector that California real estate tax sales are for reasonably equivalent value and cannot be set aside as fraudulent transfers.
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission is seeking comments on proposed Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board rule changes that would require dealers to disclose bond mark-ups and mark-downs on retail customer trade confirmations.
- Client Alert
On August 25, after approximately five years of litigation concluding with a 25-day bench trial, Judge Peter G. Sheridan issued the opinion of the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey in the first trial of a “manager-of-managers” theory of liability for breach of fiduciary duty.
- Client Alert
On August 22, the Internal Revenue Service released new safe harbor guidelines for determining whether a management contract results in private business use of property for purposes of the federal income tax rules relating to tax-exempt bonds.
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently approved new Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. pay‑to-play rules to regulate activities of FINRA member firms that engage in distribution or solicitation activities with government entities on behalf of investment advisers.
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently adopted changes to certain aspects of the reporting, disclosure and recordkeeping obligations of registered investment advisers including changes to Form ADV.
- Client Alert
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. recently proposed amendments to its gifts, non-cash compensation and business entertainment rules.
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission is seeking comments on proposed Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. rule changes that would require members to disclose bond mark-ups and mark-downs on retail customer trade confirmations.
- Client Alert
On August 24, 2016, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued cease-and-desist orders to 71 municipal issuers and obligated persons in response to voluntary self-reporting of potential misrepresentations in municipal bond offering documents regarding compliance with prior disclosure obligations under the SEC’s Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation initiative.
- ArticleQ3 2016 (Originally Published July 18, 2016)
In merger and acquisition and other commercial agreements, the parties often agree to undertake “commercially reasonable efforts” in support of the transaction. In a recent case, the Delaware Chancery Court analyzed whether a prospective acquirer violated its agreement to use “commercially reasonable efforts.”