- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Favorable OIG Advisory Opinion Provides Helpful Roadmap in Structuring a Patient Lodging/Meals Assistance Program that Complies With Federal Law
- Kansas Votes to Expand Medicaid, Embracing a Key Measure of the Affordable Care Act; Veto Possible
- With AHCA Withdrawn, What’s Next for Health Care Reform?
- Corporate Governance Quarterly UpdateMarch 2017
Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United, which effectively invalidated restrictions on certain corporate political contributions, various shareholder activists and corporate governance advocates have increasingly sought corporate disclosure of such contributions.
- Client Alert
On March 1, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued a release seeking comments on proposed amendments to Rule 15c2-12 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- American Health Care Act Moves Through House Committees; Floor Vote Scheduled for Thursday
- Large FCA Judgment Against Nursing Home Operators Could Trigger Cross-Default Provisions of Loan Providing Operating Capital to 183 Non-Defendant Co-Obligors
- HIPAA Settlement Underscores Importance of Audit Controls and Timely Mitigation of Issues Identified in Security Risk Assessments
- OIG Reports that State Medicaid Fraud Control Units Recovered $1.9 Billion in FY 2016
- Client Alert
On March 13, the Congressional Budget Office released its highly anticipated score of the American Health Care Act, the Republican-proposed replacement bill for the Affordable Care Act.
- ArticleMarch 2017
Before purchasing any debt, distressed investors need to be mindful of what unrestricted subsidiaries are and how they may impact the overall credit of a company or debt recoveries.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Five Things to Know as the American Health Care Act Moves Through the House
- Hospital Associations and American Medical Association Oppose ACA Replacement Bill
- Client Alert
In a stark reminder to the bankruptcy community of the old adage that “you can run but you can’t hide,” the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York recently denied an Austrian bank’s motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction.
- Client Alert
The Department of Labor announced a proposed 60-day delay of the applicability date of the DOL fiduciary rule and related exemptions. The DOL has allowed a 15-day comment period providing all interested parties an opportunity to comment on the proposed delay.
- Client Alert
On February 27, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York issued its long-awaited remand decision in Madden v. Midland Funding, LLC.
- Client Alert
The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Investment Management recently issued new guidance providing additional clarity on Rule 206(4)-2 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.
- Client Alert
The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Investment Management recently released guidance on disclosure, suitability and compliance obligations for automated advisers—often referred to as “robo-advisers.”
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Oncology Practice, Practice Manager and Physician Pay $1.7 Million to Resolve Allegations of Billing Medicare for Unapproved Chemotherapy Drugs
- Federal Regulators Issue Proposed Rule Aimed at Stabilizing Insurance Marketplaces as ACA is Debated; Trump’s “One In, Two Out” Executive Order Determined Inapplicable
- House Republicans and Trump Administration File Joint Motion to Indefinitely Delay Resolution of Lawsuit with Potential to Dismantle ACA Insurance Exchanges
- Client Alert
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit made headlines following its decision in the PHH Corporation et al. v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau case. The Court found that the CFPB’s single-director, removable-only-for-cause structure was unconstitutional. However, the Court has now vacated that order in its entirety and set the case to be heard again en banc.
- Client Alert
On February 14, two federal lawsuits were filed in Illinois challenging the legality of the Zero Emissions Credits program provided for under Illinois’ recently passed Future Energy Jobs Act (Public Act 99-0906).
- Client Alert
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. announced the effective date of amendments to FINRA Rule 2232 requiring firms to disclose additional transaction-related information for certain fixed income securities principal transactions with retail customers.
- Client Alert
The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board is requesting comments on proposed amendments to its advertising rule for brokers, dealers, and municipal securities dealers and a new advertising rule for municipal advisors.
- Client Alert
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. recently proposed amendments that would create a new exception to FINRA’s prohibition on projecting performance. The proposed exception to FINRA Rule 2210 would permit a firm to distribute a customized hypothetical investment planning illustration.
- Article
Investments in “unrestricted subsidiaries” are an exception to investment covenants, which have been used in an attempt to provide flexibility in restructuring a company’s capital structure.
- Client Alert
The Supplemental Examination Procedures for Risk Management of Third-Party Relationships issued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency on January 24 establish detailed compliance obligations for relationships with third-party service providers.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- Office of Budget Management Withdraws Proposed Omnibus Guidance for 340B Drug Pricing Program
- Failure to Respond Timely to HIPAA Notice of Proposed Determination Results in $3.2 Million Penalty
- Anthem-Cigna Merger Blocked by Federal Judge
- Joint Commission Clarifies That It Prohibits Secure Texting for Patient Orders
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations recently published a Risk Alert listing five compliance topics most frequently identified in deficiency letters to investment advisers following exams.
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission is seeking comments on proposed new Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Rule G-49 prohibiting a broker, dealer or municipal securities dealer from effecting a customer transaction in municipal securities in an amount lower than the minimum denomination of the issue stated in offering documents.
- Article
Lenders and investors in companies often have assumed that claims related to the purchase and sale of securities are subordinated to the level of the underlying security in question. However, a recent decision has raised a serious question as to when claims for damages should be deemed “arising from” the purchase or sale of a security.
- Corporate Governance Quarterly UpdateFebruary 2017
“Board refreshment” is currently a hot corporate governance topic. A board of directors’ ability to “refresh” itself on a regular basis can help ensure that the board is comprised of the proper mix of directors to meet both current and long‑term needs of the board, the company and shareholders, and provide the necessary oversight of the company’s evolving corporate strategy and risks.
- Compliance, Regulatory and Payments Client Alerts
In this edition:
- Mortgage Servicing Foreclosure Practices
- OCC Semiannual Risk Perspective
- ArticleFebruary/March 2017
With Republicans retaining control of both chambers of Congress and Donald Trump elected President, the prospects for financial regulatory reform have changed. Many observers point to the Financial CHOICE Act as the best indication of Republican Congressional aspirations for such reform.
- Client Alert
Lenders and investors in companies often have assumed that claims related to the purchase and sale of securities are subordinated to the level of the underlying security in question. However, a recent decision has raised a serious question as to when claims for damages should be deemed “arising from” the purchase or sale of a security.
- Client Alert
President Trump issued a memorandum directing the Department of Labor to conduct an analysis of the fiduciary rule’s potential impact. Depending on the results of its examination, the memorandum instructs the DOL to publish for notice and comment a proposed rule to rescind or revise the rule.
- Corporate Governance Quarterly UpdateJanuary 2017
This update provides general information regarding say-on-pay frequency, summarizes the current say-on-pay frequency policies and positions of several large asset managers and pension funds, leading proxy advisory firms and certain corporate governance advocates, and presents practical considerations for boards to help facilitate discussion.
- Client Alert
The Department of Labor released on January 13 two sets of frequently asked questions to provide additional guidance on its new fiduciary rule. One set of FAQs is directed at consumers to better help them understand the Rule. The other set of FAQs is directed at financial service providers to address the regulation defining “investment advice.”
- Chapman Insights
This updated includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- $2.2 Million HIPAA Settlement Demonstrates Importance of Conducting Required HIPAA Security Risk Assessments and Implementing ePHI Safeguards
- CBO Releases Report on How Repealing Portions of the ACA Would Affect Health Insurance Coverage and Premiums
- Client Alert
In a decision that deals a potential blow to holdout noteholders in out-of-court restructurings, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit adopted a narrow interpretation of Section 316(b) of the Trust Indenture Act.
- Client Alert
In one of his first Presidential acts, President Trump has named Commissioner Ajit Pai as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Chairman Pai has become well-known for his dissenting opinions during his time with the FCC, including his dissent to the most recent Telephone Consumer Protection Act Omnibus Ruling and Order issued in July 2015.
- Client Alert
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations recently released its Examinations Priorities for 2017.
- Article
The municipal industry has seen a significant change in recent years with the increased activity of the SEC Enforcement Division and, in particular, its Public Finance Abuse Unit. This is an updated version of an article Chapman attorney Kelly Kost authored for the October 2016 issue of the Illinois GFOA Newsletter.
- Client Alert
On January 17, 2017, the Internal Revenue Service released new safe harbor guidelines for determining whether a management contract results in private business use of property for purposes of the federal income tax rules relating to tax-exempt bonds.
- Client Alert
On January 10, 2017, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a cease-and-desist order (Order) to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (Port Authority) under which the Port Authority acknowledged that it acted negligently in failing to disclose certain risks in official statements for over $2.3 billion of bonds issued between January 2012 and June 2014.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- New Rule Imposes Civil Monetary Penalties on Drug Manufacturers That Overcharge Safety Net Providers for 340B Outpatient Drugs
- Senate Takes Step Towards Dismantling Affordable Care Act
- Client Alert
The beginning of each year provides an opportunity for investment advisers to review annual compliance and regulatory matters, including issues related to private investment funds and commodity pools. This alert briefly summarizes some of the primary issues that advisers might consider in their 2017 annual review and update processes.
- Client Alert
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. recently issued its annual Regulatory Examination Priorities Letter. This alert summarizes some of the more significant issues FINRA’s letter raises.
- ArticleNovember/December 2016
Considering the flurry of activity in the fintech arena, is there a place for banks and, if so, what role can banks play? Given that marketplace lending is the most developed form of fintech today, it can be analyzed to see how banks do play important roles and employ different strategies dealing with this emerging market segment.
- Client Alert
The New York Court of Appeals issued a decision holding that when two parties agree to the material terms of a sale, the parties have entered into a binding agreement, even though the sale remains subject to the execution of a written sales agreement.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- Food and Drug Administration Delays Off-Label Promotion Guidance
- 21st Century Cures Act Signed into Law
- Client Alert
The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Investment Management has released guidance focused on disclosure issues and certain procedural requirements associated with mutual funds implementing intermediary‑specific variations to sales loads and adding new share classes.
- Client Alert
The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board recently published guidance on broker-dealer obligations when executing transactions involving a registered investment adviser that is authorized to exercise full discretion to buy and sell municipal securities on behalf on an account holder.
- Client Alert
In a December 13 interview, the chief of Securities and Exchange Commission’s public finance abuse unit stated that the SEC does not expect to recommend any further settlements under its Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation initiative. Instead, the public finance abuse unit will focus on those issuers and underwriters that did not self-report disclosure violations under the initiative.
- Chapman Insights
This update includes:
- Weekly Health Care Criminal and Civil Fraud Enforcement Round-Up
- OIG Issues Long-Awaited Final Rule with Revisions to the Anti-Kickback Statute and Civil Monetary Penalty Rules Regarding Beneficiary Inducements
- Despite Industry Pushback, FDA Finalizes Policy Regarding Public Notification of “Emerging” Medical Device Safety Issues
- Compliance, Regulatory and Payments Client Alerts
On Friday, Comptroller of the Currency Thomas Curry announced that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency will issue limited-purpose bank charters to qualified fintech companies.